Modern Slavery Statement | Nord Anglia Education

Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 - slavery and human trafficking statement


This statement is made in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking transparency statement for the financial year ended 31 August 2020. This statement supplements our slavery and human trafficking transparency statement as at 12 June 2020 and explains the further steps that we have taken in the financial year ended 31 August 2021 to identify and reduce the risk of modern slavery occurring within the company and our supply chains, and how we plan to develop enhanced policies and procedures to improve our processes going forward.

Our organisation

Nord Anglia Education is currently a family of 73 premium international schools, based in 30 countries around the world. We offer personalised, inspiring learning to more than 67,000 students between 2 and 18 years old. We have around 14,000 employees most of whom are based at our schools. Our staff are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery, so our focus is to ensure there are policies and procedures in place for our contractors and suppliers.

Supply Chain

Nord Anglia Education Limited uses many suppliers both domestic and international to support our operations and activities. These suppliers mostly supply services to us relating to marketing and recruitment, venues and events, IT delivery and support, our offices and premises, agency workers and consultants, training providers, academic materials, travel, and professional services. We also procure a limited amount of goods in the form of office supplies, furniture, IT hardware and other materials used in our day-to-day operations.

Policies and Processes

Nord Anglia Education Limited is committed to combatting modern slavery, and that commitment is reflected in Nord Anglia Education’s global policies and in the expectations we impose upon our supply chain and their respective procurement functions.

In its last Modern Slavery Statement, Nord Anglia Education Limited reported that it was developing a number of measures to help achieve this commitment. During the financial year ended 31 August 2020, Nord Anglia Education Limited has been successful in delivering the following measures:

  • Continuing to ensure we have an anti-slavery clause where appropriate in our centrally procured new and renewed contracts with suppliers; this requires our suppliers to certify that they are complying with the Act and associated legislation.
  • Delivered training with those employees who procure goods and services. This includes training on the standard supplier terms and conditions expected to help combat anti-slavery in product/service contracts.
  • Appointed a Head of Operational Excellence whose role includes ensuring that we use best practice in our procurement and supply chain management.
  • Updated our NAE Supplier Due Diligence form to help ensure there is a requirement within our partnership agreements that our partners will comply with the Act and associated legislation.
  • Developed and rolled out standard supplier agreement templates to include modern slavery and human trafficking warranties and undertakings where appropriate. Pursuant to these terms, Nord Anglia Education Ltd makes it incumbent upon its suppliers to respect and comply with all applicable laws, including the Act, and Nord Anglia Education Ltd reserves the right to terminate its commercial partnership with any supplier who is found to be in breach of, or who fails to comply with the Act. This applies to both domestic and international suppliers.

We also have a wider policy framework reflecting our approach to this issue, which are reflected in particular in the following internal policies:

  • Modern Slavery Policy
  • Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy
  • Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy
  • Whistle Blower Protection Policy
  • Procurement Policy
  • Background Checking Policy
  • Nord Anglia Education Safeguarding Policy

Planned activities for FY2020/21

In the next financial year, Nord Anglia Education Limited will build on the work already done to further develop its anti-modern slavery policies and procedures. Planned activities include:

  • Update relevant processes and policies, including an updated Procurement Policy, Procurement Guidance and a new Modern Slavery Policy. This will help ensure that modern slavery is addressed and, where appropriate, incorporating ethical trade, corporate social responsibility and human rights.
  • Ensuring that modern slavery is addressed throughout the procurement process by applying enhanced due diligence and risk checks on significant contracts that evaluate potential suppliers in relation to modern slavery before they enter the supply chain; we will blacklist suppliers found to be non-compliant.
  • Provide continued training opportunities to staff on how to ensure we are addressing modern slavery in our supply chain. For 2021 this will include specific procurement training on the updated Procurement Policy and Procurement Guidance which include details on modern slavery.
  • Develop and roll-out a new database management system to ensure that the inclusion of key anti-slavery terms in the renewal of school-based contracts can be continuously reviewed and managed.
  • Ensure that School service contracts below the threshold for a legal review, go through a regional approval process to ensure compliance.
  • Continue to raise awareness across the company via internal communication channels, with links to website]
  • Blacklist any organisations found to be non-compliant with NAE standards and policies.


This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of Nord Anglia Education Limited on 2 July 2021 and has been signed by Andrew Fitzmaurice, a Director on 2 July 2021.


Signed by
Andrew signature
Andrew Fitzmaurice, Director
Dated 12 June 2020